Monday, January 31, 2011

"How To Spot a Douchebag" 1/31/11

Today's subject:, and related sites.

For those who don't know, there was a stir among the uppity racist community over the fact that black English actor Idris Elba, probably best known as Stringer Bell in HBO's "The Wire," will be playing Norse god Heimdall in the upcoming "Thor" movie. And seeing as white supremacists take their Norse mythology very seriously, they took it somewhat personally, and have suddenly all discovered that Marvel Comics is in fact a giant part of the anti-White conspiracy they're all so afraid of.

Now, I'm all for an intelligent, considerate argument against casting a black actor as a Norse god. I would disagree that it really matters in this case, seeing as it's based on a friggin comic book that has very little to do with the actual Norse pantheon to begin with, but I would be willing to listen to it. But that is definitely not what we're getting here. Instead, it's all barely-veiled white rage and racist bile, hiding behind a defense of "white culture."

Some of my favorite examples:


"To depict these men [one black, one asian] as slain Viking heroes is tantamount to slander against generations of our ancestors. It is a highly offensive form of political correctness."

Really? Slander? Depicting two people in the hall of Odin as not-Aryan is slander against all your blue eyed relatives? Pretty sure I don't have to say anything to point out how racist a notion that is.

Possibly my favorite, also from

"Marvel creator and front man Stan “Lee” Lieber is a left-winger and financier of left-wing political candidates like Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy."
Being so rabidly racist is bad enough, but now you have to throw anti-semitism in there as well? You're just going for the whole shebang! Because there is no other reason to throw in Stan Lee's birth name, the pretty obviously Jewish surname (for those of you who somehow hadn't guessed that Stan Lee might be Jewish) "Lieber," other than to conjure the image of the scheming Jew and his left-wing conspiracy buddies out to destroy White Christian culture, hiding behind his benign adopted surname. They might as well have just said "Marvel creator and front man (and Jew!) Stan 'Lee' Lieber..." just to make sure their less intelligent readers, which I'm assuming are many in number, picked up on their point.

And another:

"Another common question I get is 'How can you be sure that the decisions made by Marvel were politically motivated?'
Marvel Studios is most well known for it’s X-Men franchise. The movies are highly political. It is about two factions of 'mutants' fighting about how to respond to their enemies in the government. It is clear that the viewers are intended to see white Republican types as the true enemies of the 'mutants.'"
I'm not sure where to even begin with this one, it's just too juicy. If by "Republican types" you mean rabid bigots and people who would commit genocide, then I guess your point would be right. But even as a staunch leftist, I find that to be a pretty unflattering picture of most the members of the Republican party. Secondly, the main conflict is actually between those mutants who believe in attempting to peacefully co-exist (the X-Men, aka the heroes of the piece) and those who want to take over forcibly and destroy human culture (aka THE BAD GUYS!!!!). So in fact, the point of the X-Men franchise is the exact opposite of the one the boycott-thor site's are trying to assign it. But then again, these are people who are apparently on the side of rabid bigotry and genocide, which even in the movies is a pretty indefensible stand ;).

Another, from

"An upcoming movie, based on the comic book Thor, will give Norse mythology an insulting multi-cultural make-over. One of the Gods will be played by Hip Hop DJ Idris Elba"

It doesn't take a genius to figure out what they're doing there. Idris Elba does have a side-career as a DJ (and I had to look that up to actually confirm it), but it's hardly his day job. He's an actor. A damn good one at that, if that matters to you. But instead of his impressive acting resume, they have to characterize him by his side project making, y'know, "negro music." Which I'm sure is also a left-wing assault on the purity of white culture, but that's another post.

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