Sunday, December 12, 2010

2010.: A Year in Review

Oh, 2010. Let no one say you weren't at least amusing.

You were the year the common American voiced his anger and showed his strength... by joining the pack of rabid idiots called the Tea Party and targeting the true enemies of American prosperity: non-existant socialists, gays, and night-shift working Mexicans taking the jobs you wouldn't even take in the midst of the worst economic downturn in nearly a century, aka 2010.

You were the year that the electorate showed their displeasure at a President who failed to live up to the promise that he never made them: to make them all millionaires give them all handjobs before the coming Mayan Apocalyse.

You were the year of one of the worst cinematic crimes of human existance, Sex and the City 2, a movie so bad you just had to read some of the reviews to appreciate how soul-crushingly awful it was. (Here's a good example: )

The year that saw fit to kill Elizabeth Edwards, but not John.

The year where God decided that what Haiti really, really needed was another humanitarian crisis of epic proportions.

The year that proved once again is the reason politicians lie is that it's the only way to get you morons to vote for them.

The year that saw the Catholic Church compare the pedophiliac priest scandal that continues to consume its time to the oppression of the Jews under the Nazis with a straight face.

The year Sarah Palin still refused to to go away.

The year the swine flue epidemic went away without killing anyone who really deserved it.

Here's to you, you silly ol' bugger!